BWS Manufacturing
A second-generation company building trailers since 1967, BWS runs like a successful corporation while maintaining the "small family business" mentality. Understanding the needs of our customers allow us to endeavor to create smart, safe and innovative products.
Starting off as custom trailer builders in the forestry industry, BWS is now a trusted and respected builder of Agricultural, Oil Field, Construction, Equipment Moving and Forestry sectors. Due to the need for additional products BWS expanded to a 200,000-sq. facility in 2012.
BWS has developed and holds the patent for the fastest and easiest to load air-assisted detachable goose-neck trailer in the industry. As they do not use hydraulics they are more environmentally friendly and require less gear to use.
Diamond Truck Centres carries the following categories of BWS Trailers:
- Highway Flat Decks
- Highway Drop Decks
- Single Axle Boosters
- Double Axle Jeeps
- Medium Duty Air Tilt/ No Ramp Trailers
- Medium Duty Air Ramp Tilt Trailers
- Scissor Neck Trailers
- Tridem Equipment Trailers
- Logging Trailers
- Rigidneck Lowboy Trailers
- Highway B-Train Trailers
- Logging B-Train Trailers